

Meeting date:
Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Meeting time:









1. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Leader of the House (45 mins) 

View Questions



2. Questions to the Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science (45 mins) 

View Questions




3. Welsh Conservatives Debate (60 mins) 

NDM4892 William Graham (South Wales East)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Recognises the importance of delivering an outstanding suite of programmes aimed specifically at early years to enable children to thrive both educationally and socially;


2. Calls on the Welsh Government to:


a) address findings in the 2011 Evaluation of Flying Start that it is ‘having least success in reaching socio-economically disadvantaged families’; and


b) review the current variability across the Foundation Phase, specifically relating to consistency and quality of training for practitioners.


The 2011 Evaluation of Flying Start can be found on the following link:


The following amendments have been tabled:


Amendment 1 - Peter Black (South Wales West)


Insert as new point after point 1:


Welcomes the additional £20 million funding for pupils from deprived backgrounds announced in the Final Budget in December, which will help children to thrive educationally.


Amendment 2 - Peter Black (South Wales West)


Insert as new point after point 1:


Notes that just 21% of pupils entitled to free school meals achieve five good GCSEs grade A* to C.


Amendment 3 - Peter Black (South Wales West)


Insert as new sub point after point 2a:


establish best practice within the current Flying Start programme in order to inform the expansion of the programme.


Amendment 4 - Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)


Insert as new point 2b and renumber accordingly:


ensure that, during the rollout of Flying Start, best practice identified in the pilot scheme is effectively disseminated.




4. Plaid Cymru Debate (60 mins) 

NDM4893 Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Acknowledges the Welsh Government's responsibility for the Welsh NHS and its provision of over £5 billion to Local Health Boards to deliver health services;


2. Regrets the Local Health Boards' lack of transparency and accountability in decision-making and financial management to date.


The following amendments have been tabled:


Amendment 1 - Peter Black (South Wales West)


Insert at end of point 1 'and calls on the Welsh government to demonstrate greater responsibility for the performance of LHBs’.


Amendment 2 - Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)


Delete point 2.


Amendment 3 - William Graham (South Wales East)


Add as new point at end of motion:


Calls upon the Welsh Government to review and update its guidance to Local Health Boards on public involvement in the planning and delivery of NHS services.


Amendment 4 - William Graham (South Wales East)


Add as new point at end of motion:


Regrets that the Welsh Government's recent budget will result in real term cuts of 6.6% to the NHS budget.





5. Welsh Liberal Democrats Debate (60 mins) 

NDM4894 Peter Black (South Wales West)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Welcomes the £56.9 million funding from the UK Government for next generation broadband which will benefit all areas of Wales;


2. Welcomes the further funding for broadband in Cardiff announced in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement; and


3. Calls on the Welsh Government to use this funding to tackle broadband ‘not spots’ as a matter of priority.


The Autumn Statement can be accessed on the following link:


The following amendments have been tabled:


[If amendment 1 is agreed, amendments 2 and 3 will be deselected]


Amendment 1 - Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)


Delete points 1 and 2 and replace with new point 1:


Notes recent allocations of public funding for the provision of broadband.


Amendment 2 - Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)


In point 1, delete "next generation broadband" and replace with "the Welsh Government's next generation broadband project"


Amendment 3 - Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)


In point 2, after "statement" insert "to create up to ten ‘super-connected cities’ across the UK"


[If amendment 4 is agreed, amendment 5 will be deselected]


Amendment 4 - Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)


Delete point 3.


Amendment 5 - Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)


In point 3, delete 'to use this funding'.


Amendment 6 - William Graham (South Wales East)


Add as new point at end of motion:


Calls on the Welsh Government to make a statement on its negotiations with BT Openworld for a Wales-wide roll-out of next generation broadband.







Voting Time

Voting commenced at



6. Short Debate (30 mins) 

NDM4891 Darren Millar (Clwyd West):


Older people have rights too





The Assembly will sit again in Plenary at 13:30 on Tuesday, 24 January 2012